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Turning Tides: Secretary Waqar Ahmed’s Replacement Sought By President’s Secretariat

Turning Tides: Secretary Waqar Ahmed’s Replacement Sought By President’s Secretariat

The President’s Secretariat has sought the replacement of Secretary Waqar Ahmed after he was found to have made an illegal attempt to amend the Army Act 2023. Ahmed was appointed as Secretary in January 2023, and his term was due to expire in January 2025.

The amendment that Ahmed sought to make would have allowed the President to dismiss the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) without giving any reason. The amendment was in violation of the Constitution, which requires the President to consult with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet before dismissing the COAS.

Ahmed’s attempt to amend the Army Act was discovered by the Attorney General, who advised the President to remove Ahmed from his position. The President has accepted the Attorney General’s advice and has ordered the Ministry of Defence to initiate the process of finding a replacement for Ahmed.

Ahmed’s removal is a major setback for the President, who had appointed him as Secretary in the hope that he would be able to improve the efficiency of the Secretariat. Ahmed’s removal also raises questions about the President’s judgment, as he had appointed Ahmed despite knowing that he had a history of making controversial decisions.

Ahmed is not the first Secretary to be removed from his position by the President. In 2021, the President removed Secretary Fawad Hassan Fawad after he was found to have been involved in a corruption scandal. The removal of Ahmed and Fawad Hassan Fawad suggests that the President is willing to take action against corrupt and incompetent officials.

The removal of Ahmed is also a sign of the growing power of the Attorney General. The Attorney General is the highest-ranking legal advisor to the government, and he has the power to advise the President on legal matters. The fact that the Attorney General was able to convince the President to remove Ahmed shows that the Attorney General is a powerful figure in the government.

The removal of Ahmed is a significant development, and it is likely to have a major impact on the President’s Secretariat. The new Secretary will need to be someone who is able to restore the public’s confidence in the Secretariat and who is able to improve its efficiency.

In addition to the removal of Ahmed, the President’s Secretariat has also been criticized for its handling of other issues, such as the appointment of the new COAS. The President’s Secretariat has been accused of being too secretive and of not being transparent in its decision-making process.

The removal of Ahmed and the criticism of the President’s Secretariat suggest that there is a need for reform in the way that the Secretariat operates. The Secretariat needs to be more transparent and accountable to the public. It also needs to be more efficient and effective in carrying out its duties.

The removal of Ahmed is a turning point for the President’s Secretariat. It is a sign that the President is willing to take action against corruption and incompetence. It is also a sign that the Attorney General is a powerful figure in the government. The new Secretary will need to be someone who is able to restore the public’s confidence in the Secretariat and who is able to improve its efficiency.

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